
Starting your journey……

……with Wootton Pre-School Playgroup


If you would like to secure a place for your child from September 2024  please do not hesitate to…..

  • message via our facebook page Wootton Pre-School Playgroup @preschoolwootton
  • Or email us at woottonplaygroup@btconnect.com

and we will give you all the information you need to join our admissions list 🙂


Wootton Pre-School Playgroup is a happy, friendly group with well-qualified, experienced and caring staff serving the community of Wootton.

We offer your child a broad play based curriculum leading to approved learning outcomes, fun and friendship with children and opportunities for parents to be directly involved in the activities of the group.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child into the group and hope that you enjoy your time with us.

Ofsted Report 2019 :220169_1ofsted report 2019

ofsted good 2019 logoThis Childcare Provider is Meningitis Aware 2019-2021 Logo200x200

All about us

At Wootton Pre-School Playgroup we offer sessional play and care during term times for children aged from 2 years to school age.  We follow the same term dates and holidays as the local primary school cluster of Preston Hedges and Caroline Chisholm schools.

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To join our waiting list please contact us and arrange to come and visit.  It is advisable to register your interest at the earliest opportunity as we are often oversubscribed.

We arrange our waiting list by date of birth and not first come first served.

We welcome children who live in the villages of Wootton (including Wootton Fields and Simpson Manor) and the surrounding area’s of Hardingstone, East Hunsbury and others villages if space allows.


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Our staff

“Management and staff work well as a team.  They understand their duties and are both caring and enthusiastic in their support and involvement with the children”.  Ofsted 2019


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We are a small friendly team of 6. Our Manager, Julie, holds Early Years professional status and a Ba (Hons) in Early Childhood Studies.  She was a previously Registered General Nurse and previously Registered Sick Children’s Nurse and has worked at pre-school for over 20 years.  Stef, our Deputy Manager is qualified to Level 3 in Early Years Childcare and has worked at pre-school for 10 years.

We pride ourselves on encouraging our staff in their professional development and 3 of our 4 childcare staff hold (or are working towards their) NVQ Level 3.  We also have a business manager.  We choose to operate well above the current government child to adult ratios.


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